Great health shouldn’t be optional

The cost of living well, both physically and mentally, is rising. And each new generation faces a new set of challenges. With the help of an employer-offered health savings account (HSA), people of all ages can save for their future.

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What's inside

  • Employees need robust benefit plans — get insights into what’s driving retention.
  • Health care and financial needs are changing across generations and demographics — gain an understanding of what your employees need most.
  • Preparing for retirement needs to be about more than saving for vacation — learn tactics to support employees as they take a holistic approach to saving for retirement.

Key insights

Medical plan costs will increase by approximately 7% for employers in 2024.

12% of retirement savings go towards medical expenses.

A quarter of Gen X, millennial, and Gen Z workers don’t know how much to save for retirement, with baby boomers not far behind.

About Inspira

Inspira Financial provides health, wealth, retirement, and benefits solutions that strengthen and simplify the health and wealth journey. We help employers support the wellness of their workforce by keeping the employee experience at the center of everything we do. We relentlessly pursue better outcomes for all with our health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts, emergency savings funds, and more.